With the emerging crisis in Lebanon and the surrounding countries, more and more persons are in dire need for help.  Very often, the families have only one bread earner and he does not necessarily have a full-time job.  Therefore, the end of the months is difficult not to mention the unexpected payments related to medical situation, schools and other running costs. 


EQUAL program targets aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering, maintain and protect human dignity without discrimination between or within people. Help in medication, X-ray’s and hospitalization is offered in addition to school tuition and financial monthly aid for the neediest persons.  Our program is responsible for taking care of families with their basic needs while empowering them to find jobs and better organization for their lives.


Since 2014,

  • 150 persons were helped with hospitalization and/or medical bills
  • 50 children are helped yearly with school tuition
  • 200 persons are helped with financial monthly aid